Migrating my blog from Nikola to Sphinx#

Migrating from a static generator to another isn’t an entirely transparent process, so I’ll explain some simpler steps to help you migrate your blog from Nikola to Sphinx.

But before we begin, keep in mind that the basic steps for migration start by having the bare minimum from scratch with Sphinx. For this purpose, follow the instructions given at Creating a blog with Sphinx.


Alright, once we have the foundation of our blog set up, continue making adjustments to ensure that our previous posts still function properly.


Front Matter#

Since we added a path pattern for publications during the initial configuration, there is no need to add the ..post: directive or the :blogpost: true attribute. Simply place your files in the path that matches the pattern 👀.

It’s important to note that in Nikola, we defined navigation paths using the ..slug:, but in Sphinx, this depends on the file name and its location within the directory. Make sure to use the same directory path as defined in the slug, and ensure the file name is equal to the last part of the slug 👀. Alternatively, you can set up a redirect by using the value of slug as the value for :redirect: (in this case, add post_redirect_refresh=0 to your configuration).

To indicate the title in Nikola, we used the attribute ..title:, but now it must be explicitly defined in the publication markup. Example:

Migrating my blog from Nikola to Sphinx
# Migrating my blog from Nikola to Sphinx

This requires that existing titles be increased in heading level 👀.

In ablog, we don’t have an equivalent for Nikola’s ..status:, but we can control whether a current or past date is equivalent to published and if it’s a future or no-date date, it’s the equivalent of draft. The case of private could be handled by excluding the file. For featured, it’s more customizable, but it could be explored with the card objects on the index.

If we want to indicate the preview image, in Nikola it was done using ..previewimage:, but in ablog, we use :image: and the value is not the path of the image, but the number associated with its appearance order in the publication. This can be set to a default value based on the variable in the configuration file’s post_auto_image.

The attribute ..description: is taken by default as a truncation of the first paragraph of the post (this is used for the publication metadata), but we can also leave it customized if needed (this is done with the Open Graph extension).

For the case of ..link:, this should be converted to :external_link:.

For updates, instead of being an attribute, it becomes a timestamp annotation with context information.

.. update:: 2011-12-15

   Extra info added
```{update} 2011-12-15

Extra info added

With the attributes of .. nocomments:, .. tags:, .. date:, .. author:, and .. category:, simply change the initial .. to :.

Regarding the date, it’s important to note that unlike in Nikola, we cannot mix types of date formats. These should be added according to the definition in the configuration file, specifically in the variable post_date_format.

There is no attribute needed to enable equations as Sphinx enables them by default. In Nikola, it was necessary with .. has_math: true.

The case of .. type: does not have an equivalent.

⚠️ If we are using markdown, the difference is to remove the initial :, as evidenced in the section on the first publication, and the separator <!-- --> changes to ---.


In some cases, we could use post lists with specific filters using .. post-list:: and the attribute :categories. This now changes to .. postlist:: with the attribute :category: (you can also use other filters as well).

Regarding .. thumbnail::, this directive no longer exists and is replaced by .. figure::.

The definition of the teaser in Nikola relied on a specific markup directive for the text, but in ablog, this is controlled by the attribute :excerpt: to denote the number of paragraphs to include. However, we can leave it with a default value based on post_auto_excerpt in the configuration file.

For document references, in Markdown we transition from {{% doc %}} path {{% /doc %}} to <project:path> or [](path), while in RST we can continue using :doc: as long as it does not point to a label. In that case, it would be :ref:.


Root Files#

Files in the root are defined in a directory that we set with the variable html_extra_path, which can be named the same as it comes in Nikola (files).

Comment System#

If we use Disqus (in Nikola, COMMENT_SYSTEM='disqus'), the disqus_shortname in the configuration file takes the value of the old COMMENT_SYSTEM_ID.


We need to install sphinxcontrib-youtube and enable sphinxcontrib.youtube in the extensions. In this way, the directive .. youtube:: remains unchanged.
