Asimov in Science#
While Isaac Asimov is commonly known as a science fiction and mystery writer (the latter being less widely known) and a great science popularizer, he was also a scientist. This article aims to highlight Asimov’s scientific contributions and academic background, often overshadowed by his literary achievements.
Early Life and Education#
Isaac Asimov, or in Russian Isaak Yudovich Ozimov, was born on January 2, 1920, in Petrovichi, Russia. His family immigrated to the United States when he was three years old. Asimov obtained undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral degrees in chemistry from Columbia University in New York City. Postgraduate degrees confer research skills, leading to what is popularly known as being a scientist.
Scientific Career and Research#
To obtain a doctorate, it is necessary to contribute new knowledge on a topic. His doctoral thesis was specifically in biochemistry (an area in which he also served as a full professor at Boston University) with the thesis “Kinetics of the Reaction Inactivation of Tyrosinase During Its Catalysis of the Aerobic Oxidation of Catechol”. He was a chemical researcher (scientist) for the Navy and later for the Army, in which he participated in the atomic bomb tests at Bikini.
Scientific Publications#
Beyond his research work, Asimov also published formal and scientific texts, not intended for popularization. Notable examples include “Modern Biology” (1961), “Biochemistry and Human Metabolism” (1952), his first non-fiction book co-authored with two colleagues from the Boston University School of Medicine, and “The Human Body” (1963). He also contributed to the “Letters” section of the journal Science, participating in impactful debates in biology during the 1960s and 1970s.
Isaac Asimov’s legacy extends beyond his prolific science fiction writing. His rigorous scientific training and contributions to the field of biochemistry demonstrate a multifaceted career that significantly impacted both science and literature.
Isaac Asimov. Wikipedia in English.
Biography for Isaac Asimov. IMDb.
Isaac Asimov. Biography True Story.
Isaac Asimov Biography. Notable Biographies.