Entradas etiquetadas bash

Configuring Starship on Manjaro and Zsh

Recently, I’ve been switching multiple tools in my daily work, including changes in handling the Linux terminal. One of these changes is the shell prompt (the terminal indicator), and I’m using starship. However, there are some undocumented details on how to enable it on Manjaro with zsh, which I’ll explain here.

A visual appearance of *Starship* messages for Git, Python, and low battery.

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Unir video y audio con ffmpeg y bash

Recién mi novia me pidió el favor de ayudarle a descargar los videos de un curso antes de que se venciera el acceso a la cuenta, y tocaba descargar los videos de Vimeo. Pero el truco de descarga de estos videos, hace que luego toque unir el audio y el video, así que les contaré como hacerlo con FFMPEG y Bash.

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Merging Video and Audio with FFmpeg and Bash

Recently, my girlfriend asked me to help her download the videos of a course before access to the account expired, and it involved downloading videos from Vimeo. However, the download trick for these videos requires combining the audio and video later, so I’ll explain how to do this using FFMPEG and Bash.

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