--- redirect: blog/determinar-intersecciones-en-el-diagrama-de-venn-con-r date: 2020-06-13 tags: r language, bioinformatics, venn diagram category: technology author: Edward Villegas-Pulgarin language: en --- # Compute specific and intersection elements with R This is my first posts about R language, my first english post and my first R package: [`venn.compute`](https://github.com/cosmoscalibur/venn.compute), which use case in bioinformatics is compare list of genes. This R package is intended to compute specific elements in intersections of Venn diagram instead of plot. - Custom reader of files to create list of character arrays (such requiered for this package and VennDiagram). - Compute specific elements in intersections of Venn diagram in memory or write to files. - Plot with VennDiagram. ## Example Use 3 files in `tests` directory with names `primes.txt`, `even.txt` y `fibo.txt` whose content are primes, even and Fibonacci numbers until 20. ## Install You can install from GitHub as: ```R devtools::install_github("cosmoscalibur/venn.compute") ``` Downloading GitHub repo cosmoscalibur/venn.compute@master formatR (1.6 -> 1.7) [CRAN] Installing 1 packages: formatR Updating HTML index of packages in '.Library' Making 'packages.html' ... done ✔ checking for file ‘/tmp/RtmpT7UVx3/remotes61d65fec5ae1/cosmoscalibur-venn.compute-6f4fb43/DESCRIPTION’ ... ─ preparing ‘venn.compute’: ✔ checking DESCRIPTION meta-information ─ checking for LF line-endings in source and make files and shell scripts ─ checking for empty or unneeded directories ─ building ‘venn.compute_1.1.0.tar.gz’ If an error about TAR executable is showed (common in Linux with Anaconda, `sh: 1: /bin/gtar: not found`), you need to setup your TAR path. ```R Sys.setenv(TAR = "/bin/tar") ``` ## How to use First, load the package. ```r library(venn.compute) ``` ### Lectura de archivos ### Read files This is a custom reader to include multiple files and associate its custom names, returned a named list of character arrays (each element is an element line of the file). ```R sets <- read.lists_from_files(c(file.path("tests", "primes.txt"), file.path("tests", "even.txt"), file.path("tests", "fibo.txt")), c("primes", "even", "fibo")) print(sets) ``` $primes [1] "1" "2" "3" "5" "7" "11" "13" "17" $even [1] "0" "2" "4" "6" "8" "10" "12" "14" "16" "18" $fibo [1] "1" "2" "3" "5" "8" "13" ### Compute intersections and specific elements Now you can compute specific elements of Venn diagram intersections. ```R venn.compute_specific(sets) ```
  1. '1'
  2. '3'
  3. '5'
  4. '13'
  1. '7'
  2. '11'
  3. '17'
  1. '0'
  2. '4'
  3. '6'
  4. '10'
  5. '12'
  6. '14'
  7. '16'
  8. '18'
If you need to write sets in files, add an output path. Files are written using convention of join sets name with underscore. ```R venn.compute_specific(sets, output_dir = file.path("tests", "output")) ``` We can verify written files. ```R dir(file.path("tests", "output")) ```
  1. 'even_fibo.txt'
  2. 'even.txt'
  3. 'fibo.txt'
  4. 'primes_even_fibo.txt'
  5. 'primes_even.txt'
  6. 'primes_fibo.txt'
  7. 'primes.txt'
### Plot Venn diagram Finally, if you want to save plot, invoke this function with the same arguments as before (internally using [`VennDiagram`](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/VennDiagram/index.html)) ```r venn.compute_plot(sets, output_dir = file.path("tests", "output")) ``` Now, we have a `primes_even_fibo.png` file. ```{figure} /images/determinar-intersecciones-en-el-diagrama-de-venn-con-r/primes_even_fibo.png :name: r_venn_1_en :alt: Venn diagram generate here with VennDiagram. :align: center Venn diagram generate here with VennDiagram. ```